Navigating peri-menopause and/or menopause, as well as running a business can be a tricky time in a woman’s life. Here’s our perspective as a female led business.
At Troy Accounting, we believe in learning from both the smooth and the rocky roads. Here’s how we’re approaching the year ahead and how you might want to as well.
“Working with a good Accountant is invaluable – it is not a cost. It is in an INVESTMENT.”nnThat’s quite a statement to make but is it really true?nnMany business owners pride themselves on how little they spend with their accountant. But this is one fee you shouldn’t look to cut.
As your business grows over time you need to start thinking about what you want to happen with your business in terms of sustainable success or succession planning.nnIs your business going to be linked to you forever, so when you stop working in the business it will close?
Are you happy?!nThis is the most important question to ask yourself. Are you happy with the service being provided by your Accountant?nnDo they communicate to you in the way that works for you and is there regular communication?nnDo they really understand your business?nnIf the answer to any of these is No, then you could be working with the wrong Accountant.
Have you just started a business but it’s not growing as quickly as you imagined, or have you been in business for a few years and seem to have hit a wall? Perhaps you’re not sure where to go from here or what your next steps should be…
So, Cash is King right??nnAbsolutely. But only if you know how you created it and how much of it belongs to the business.