What advice would you give people buying shares in a business that they are an employee of?

Aug 10, 2020

Q&A Monday | Season 1 | Episode 3 | Question 5

What advice would you give to both the current business owner and the incoming one if you were about to be offered shares in a business that you are already an employee of?

Boo – I think there’s something around making sure that you structure it properly. There could be tax implications for the person coming in and/or for the business.

So I would recommend taking legal and/or professional advice to make sure you structure it in the right way. Also, make sure that you really have a great relationship and can have those open honest conversations, so that you can resolve things without getting into a difficult situation.

But equally having the documentation in place to protect each of you. If there is something you don’t agree on, how will you remedy that?

Q&A Monday

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