It’s Time for a Switch

Jul 4, 2019


Do you already have an accountant?

Do they provide you with the service you feel you need, or is there something missing?

Are you happy?!

It can feel like a big deal choosing an accountant. You’re amazing at your business and what you do and what you know, but perhaps aren’t so hot at the numbers or even don’t want to have to deal with the numbers! And it can perhaps feel intimidating to be in front of your accountant when they’re talking “at you” and you don’t understand what they’re saying but are too embarrassed to ask….

And maybe you’re just not being spoken to enough – once a year when your accounts and tax returns need doing just isn’t cutting the mustard! Your business is growing and you want to talk things through, but there’s no-one you can talk to. You need support with some of those questions you need answers to, but just don’t feel you can ask. You just don’t have that relationship with your accountant.

In a recent survey, we asked a question about communication. A staggering 83% of our respondents said they didn’t have good communications with their accountant.

If any of this resonates with you then……..

…… it’s time for a switch!

We often find that people are nervous of switching accountants because:

  • They feel loyal having been with their accountant for years
  • They don’t want to tell their accountant
  • They’ve been paying a monthly fee but haven’t had any of the work done yet
  • The process is going to be difficult
  • They don’t know that it’s the right move

To allay your worries or fears, I can put my hand on my heart and tell you it is all very straightforward.


I understand that, and it’s great that people show loyalty to others. However, you’re paying for a service and if you’re not getting what you need from it, that’s an issue that needs resolving. If there’s a mutual respect, then your accountant will understand your desire to switch.

Telling your accountant

A reluctance to give the news that you’re not happy and want to switch is understandably an uncomfortable thing to do. But going back to the point I made earlier, it’s got to be right for you and you deserve to work with someone that you feel comfortable with.

It’s often the case that clients are on a monthly retainer fee with their accountant, and work may not have yet been carried out. Check the arrangement you have with them, but generally under a retainer arrangement you are entitled to a refund of the unused monies where the work hasn’t been undertaken.

Difficult process

Nope! All you need to do is notify your previous accountant that you’re leaving them to move to someone else, then pass on their details to us and we’ll deal with it from there. There will be some things we need you to do, but we’ll keep you informed all the way and make it as streamline and straightforward for you as possible.

Is it the right move?Yep! By moving to Troy Accounting, you can rest assured that building a relationship with you is the most important thing to us. We will be with you every step of the way of your business journey, and you can ask us questions when you need to ask them. We believe our relationship with you should be open, honest, comfortable and trusting.

The finances of a business are one of the most important and personal things to talk about, so you need to be with an accountant that you feel comfortable doing that with. You should be receiving a service that meets your expectations and needs for your growing business. You should be with someone you trust. Someone that can help you….


If any of those things are not what you’re currently receiving, then……….. 

………….. it’s time for a switch!


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