Our Vision and What It Means to Us
May 20, 2019

We are Finance and Business Experts who collaborate, communicate and invigorate to ignite success in your business
Wow, have you ever tried to write what your business vision means to you? It’s really difficult.
When people meet us, Helen and Boo, they always comment that they love our website and that we are exactly as they expected – personable, friendly and qualified. What they didn’t expect is that they’d go away motivated about their business, inspired, questioning “what next”, ready to challenge themselves and their business to move forward and grow.
How do we do that? Is there a formula that we use? Maybe it’s best described by a quote by J. K. Rowling
It’s important to remember that we all have magic inside us
It may sound cheesy but it’s true. Most people go into business because they’re inspired or passionate about something. They may see that something isn’t working properly and believe that they can change that.
We did the same. Troy Accounting was set up because we could see how we could truly make a difference to the way that Accountants and businesses work together. How do we do that? We allow others to be themselves and we are ourselves – it brings a new dimension to a business relationship as everyone is true to their core and that brings honesty, trust and collaboration.
Working with us at Troy will give you the freedom and support to find that magic and create a business that is truly wonderful.
Our tagline is Ignite Success. It’s those exact words because that is what we aim to do when we work with businesses. We want to bring back the passion and inspiration that may have got lost along the way. Maybe the business grew quickly, and the business owner no longer has time to do what they love about their business and now they’re just surviving.
We want to change that, and we can by having a true collaborative relationship with good communication. Our blog at the beginning of May shared the fact that in our recent survey 83% of businesses felt that they had bad or little communication with their Accountant – that’s just a staggering fact.
For us as Troy Accounting we don’t want to sit on the outside just looking in – that would feel wrong to us. Why wouldn’t we want to share our knowledge and support businesses that could benefit from our 40 years’ experience.
Helen and Boo have a wealth of knowledge from not just our accountancy qualifications, but we’ve also both worked up to and at a senior level in both large and small businesses. We understand the day-to-day challenges that a business goes through as we’ve been in those same situations ourselves.
We’ve also turned that challenge around and brought results for the company we were working for at the time. Now Troy Accounting gets to help more businesses directly.
Why the word Invigorate? To us, and even for our own business, we look at where we want to go, where we have come from and what we need to do. We regularly have time away from the normal work to concentrate on these aspects for Troy Accounting. This makes our plans stronger and it makes us more determined to achieve them.
We celebrate what we’ve achieved, and we look to the future and what we still want to do but we also have a plan on how to get there. It’s not all just about the numbers though. For us it’s also about how we’re going to empower our clients and help them in their own achievements by ensuring that we’re the best at what we do.
Sometimes companies lose sight of where they’re going as they’re so caught up in managing the business each day. Working with us allows them to take that step back and to re-invigorate not just themselves, as a business owner, but also their business and perhaps their staff.
One of our clients recently had a business review with us and gave us this fabulous testimonial which hopefully brings to life a little of how we work.
“Troy goes well beyond ‘normal’ accountants. They offer a personable service that feels as though they’re part of your team. I had a Business Review session with Boo and found her to be an expert in her field while also being highly approachable. I’d recommend these services for any business owner who wants a long-standing and productive relationship with their accountant.” Cat Archer-Underwood, The Brandologist
I think we’re pretty happy with our Vision, so our next challenge is to come up with a catchy saying. We’ve gone from saying’s we heard as a child
“We’re the Accountants that turn your frown upside down”
all the way to
“Stress free accountancy, delivered the human way”
We’ll share our final version with you soon on social media so make sure you follow us to find out what it is.
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