Ready to Return?

Aug 19, 2019


Fresh starts

It’s nearing September and the air is full of that ‘Back-to-School’ feeling of fresh starts. Holidays are a fantastic opportunity to rest, recuperate and restore both the body and mind whether you go abroad or stay at home.

Hand in hand with holidays, sometimes, comes the post-holiday blues that often make us feel like we wish we could stay on holiday forever!! Try and be positive though and enjoy the time you have left or reflect on how nice your time off has been and think about what you’ve gained from spending some time away from the business.

In our last blog, we talked about getting that “feel good” feeling and how having time out can help your thoughts and ideas flow naturally. Has that worked for you? If it has, that will help you get motivated and excited about being back in the business and implementing all your plans!

Thoughts and ideas

Are you perhaps thinking a fresh start back to work is a good time to get your finances a bit more under control? It’s quite common for bookkeeping to be at the very end of your list – it’s a boring administration task right!? But finance software packages like QuickBooks and Xero are out there to make your life easier and make your business finances more visible. They even do things like link to an app on your phone so you can photograph those pesky expense receipts whilst you’re out and about, enter a few details and then boom! It’s all in your finance records already!

Maybe you’ve thought about some ideas for developing your business – new products or services, pricing differently, taking on staff or reviewing your processes. If so, it’s worth starting to capture your thoughts in a high-level action plan so you don’t lose them once you’re back in the day to day with an inbox full of emails! A business review at this time could be a good idea to consolidate where you are, and how your ideas can become a reality.

It could be that you’ve decided to take some time for your own personal business development. After all, without growing your own knowledge in terms of how you think about your business – the what / why / how / when – then how can your business grow and move forward! You might be happy just reading some books or watching some webinars, or maybe would like to invest in some business coaching. We all learn differently so it’s got to work for you.

Are you ready to return?

So, after the ‘Summer Slowdown’ are you ready to get back to it? Are you buzzing with everything you want to do in your business? Excited about getting back out there networking and building important relationships?

We are!

And we’re ready to help you turn your ideas into realities!!


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